Planning Applications
Chelveston-cum-Caldecott Parish Council is a statutory consultee on all planning applications in the parish, but is not the Local Planning Authority that makes the determination, which is North Northamptonshire Council (NNC).
Below you will find some useful information relating to planning which we hope you find helpful.
The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.
The former East Northamptonshire Council's list of applications for the area.
Minerals and Waste applications have now moved over to the NNC website - current applications.
Applications to be considered at the next Parish Council meeting.
None at this time.
Applications considered by the Parish Council, but not yet decided by the LPA.
(ENC) 18/01284/FUL - Construction and operation of a broiler rearing unit with six linked poultry buildings and ancillary structures comprising fifteen grain silos, three crumb feed silos, three feed blending houses, two water tanks with an associated pump house, two gas storage tanks, an electricity substation, switch room and standby generator with fuel tank, a weigh room, a welfare block, a cold store and incinerator, a boiler house and storage building, a security gatehouse and associated hardstanding, with boundary fencing, landscape, planting and flood attenuation works and an upgrading of an existing vehicular access track extending to the south-west to an existing anaerobic digestion plant access road. (revised scheme to 17/01328/FUL) at Land North East Of Westwood AD Plant, Bedford Road, Rushden.
(ENC) 20/01453/OUT - Outline Planning Application for a Sustainable Urban Extension comprising residential development of up to 2,200 dwellings (Class C3), residential institution (Class C2), up to 110,000 square metres of employment development (Classes B2 (General Industrial), B8 (Storage and Distribution), E(comprising Office, Research and Development of Products or Processes and Industrial Processes)), two local centres, two primary schools, one secondary school, details of the principal accesses from A6 /John Clark Way roundabout and Newton Road, secondary vehicular and non-vehicular accesses, public open space including Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace, cemetery, allotments, noise mitigation features, drainage, primary sub-station utilities apparatus and associated engineering works, demolition of existing buildings, earthworks and ground remodelling (All Matters reserved except Access) at Rushden East Urban Extension Liberty Way Rushden.
NE/22/01300/LBC - New enclosed porch to front elevation, at The Cottage, The Green, Chelveston, NN9 6AJ.
NE/23/00662/FUL - Construction of new 2-bedroom dwelling with integral garage and amenity space in the garden of Haleworth, Caldecott, NN9 6AR.
NE/24/00767/FUL - Two storey front and side extension, at Littleacre, Raunds Road, Chelveston, NN9 6AB.